An opinion leader in the field of erectile dysfunction, Peyronie’s disease, complex penile reconstruction, microsurgery and infertility.
DR. Giulio Garaffa
Mr Giulio Garaffa has been trained in Italy and the UK before being appointed as a Consultant Uro-Andrological Surgeon and Honorary Senior Lecturer in Urology at the Institute of Urology, University College London Hospitals in 2014.
He is currently a full time Urologist at the Whittington Hospital, which is part of the University College London, where he is responsible of the Andrology service.
He is considered an opinion leader in the field of erectile dysfunction, Peyronie’s disease, complex penile reconstruction, microsurgery and infertility.
He has been awarded an MD on vascular and nervous microsurgery and more recently a PhD on the genetic basis of male factor infertility. He has been one of the largest penile prosthesis implanters in Europe over the last two decades and he performs more than 300 complex penile reconstruction procedures every year.
Very active in the field of clinical research, Mr Garaffa has published more than 150 articles and book chapters in international journals and is regularly invited worldwide to give lectures and to perform live surgery.

He has been part of the panel of experts that have produced the guidelines for the management of Peyronie’s disease for the International Society of Sexual Medicine in 2016 and for the European Society of Sexual Medicine in 2020. He has also contributed to the production of the European Society of Sexual Medicine position statements on Peyronie’s Disease in 2022.
A Fellow of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine, Mr Garaffa has also been part of the educational committee of the European Society of Sexual Medicine, which strives to provide excellent standards of training in the field of Andrology and Sexual Medicine to Urologists.
He is a dedicated and well-recognized trainer in Andrology and Reconstruction, has been accredited in Italy as Full Professor in Urology in 2022 and he often involved in international training courses and masters for Urological Surgeons.